From Unformed Realms

From Unformed Realms on RPGNow

As a Gamemaster, you just can’t have something planned for every eventuality. Perhaps you have to step in to run something on short notice or the normal group can’t meet so you want something to change the pace. The Cthulhu Hack offers a simple system for investigative horror, but where to get the horror?

From Unformed Realms offers you a trusty collection of random tables to provide a springboard for your creativity just when you need it most.

Below the waist… all human resemblance left off. The skin was thickly covered with coarse black fur, and from the abdomen a score of long greenish-grey tentacles with red sucking mouths protruded limply. Their arrangement was odd, and seemed to follow the symmetries of some cosmic geometry unknown to earth or the solar system. On each of the hips, deep set in a kind of pinkish, ciliated orbit, was what seemed to be a rudimentary eye; whilst in lieu of a tail there depended a kind of trunk or feeler with purple annular markings, and with many evidences of being an undeveloped mouth or throat. The limbs… terminated in ridged-veined pads that were neither hooves nor claws.

Of genuine blood there was none; only the foetid greenish-yellow ichor which… left a curious discoloration behind it.

The Dunwich Horror, H P Lovecraft (1929)

For those moments when your players have taken the inevitable path away from whatever you have planned, From Unformed Realms provides the ideal tool for conjuring up a flash of inspiration. In 20-horror-packed-pages, the supplement provides myriad options for the random creation of horrific nightmares and unnameable monstrosities. You can either roll randomly with a 6-sided die or flick to a random page and choose a numbered section, then inflict the content on your appreciative players.

Available now from RPGNow and DriveThruRPG in PDF.

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