Cthulhu Hack 2016 and Beyond

I think that 2016 warrants celebration because of everyone reading this – and many who aren’t – who picked up a copy of The Cthulhu Hack or one of the supplements and adventures that followed.

The success of The Cthulhu Hack took me somewhat by surprise. It also filled me with a sense of creativity and energy that saw 200-pages of content crafted over a period of 6-months.

Just Crunch Games had 3,050 PDF sales in 2016. Roughly 40% of that came from paid sales, 17% out of Pay What You Want, and the rest were free downloads.

That’s a massive increase of sales over previous years – any period, for that matter. Again, I really appreciate the support, the feedback, and the reviews – which I have taken onboard and used in shaping products that followed.

I am aiming to either write or commission an adventure per month in 2017, except those months where I release something else.

At the moment that “something else” includes Unspeakable Hacks – or Unaussprechliche Hacken, whatever I end up calling it – (optional rules for Cthulhu Hack), The Blessing of St Agnes (an adventure for TCH or compatible Hacks), Save Innsmouth (a collection of connected adventures linked to the eponymous seaside town) and The Cthulhu Hack Character Cards to speed and expand character generation.

I also plan to write a version of The Dee Sanction for release by mid-year, my long-gestating game of Elizabethan espionage and covert Enochian intelligence. That will include a short adventure and another adventure will follow, based on the games I’ve run playtesting the concept over the last two years.

Thanks again for all your support – and a Cthulhu Hack Fhtagn for 2017.


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3 thoughts on “Cthulhu Hack 2016 and Beyond

  1. I picked up the Cthulhu Hack print bundle from All Rolled Up and I’m truly enjoying it. Can’t wait to get it to the table, and I will definitely pick up all Cthulhu Hack supplements that come out. How about the GM screen that was in the works? Is that in the docket for release this year too?

    1. Yes. The GM Screen remains on the docket. I’m juggling with the prospective interior design – as it would offer mainly rule content, i.e. random tables / colour / features. I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the game so far.

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