Creative Mojo

There’s something vaguely satisfying about the order of things in the Hottest Small Press category… Although, I’m not sure on the criteria for Numenera belonging in there at all. The Cypher System has become more of a thing than the small press tag suggests, in my mind.

Anyway – after a week and a half, I’m really satisfied with the way things have worked out. I have a hack that I’m really happy with – both to play with and encourage others to do the same. I would recommend anyone pick up this and The Black Hack for those one-shot ad hoc gaming moments.

I think once you’ve read through it anyone can easily run both games on the fly, which is something not all basic game systems can necessarily claim. I have had good experience with on-the-fly conversions also – and that not even been from OSR-style material in the case of The Cthulhu Hack. As a tool to drive as much narrative as crunch, the Hacks strike just the right balance.

On the writing front, I have a few ideas cooking. I’m working on Der Unaussprechlichen Hack at the moment, to further expand the options, including ideas on more Classes, fewer Classes, extra tweaks in combat and investigation, plus a couple of adventures that offer different styles of play. I also want to put together a couple of separate adventures, possibly as one-pagers, but I’ll see.

I’ve also spent one too many long nights staying up until the wee hours of the morning working on things for UK Games Expo. I may have to squeeze in an extra game slot to run The Cthulhu Hack and I will have physical copies with me. While I shall be running games in the morning slots – mainly Symbaroum – I will be on the All Rolled Up stall (on X-Wing Avenue) in the NEC hall in the afternoons. Do come along, say hi, get yourself a nice new dice bag and grab a copy of the game.

It’s been an inspiring fortnight for my creative mojo.

You can get a copy of The Cthulhu Hack on RPGNow and I will have physical copies available to buy soon.

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