TCH: Convicts & Cthulhu Redux

I have had some request recently for copies of the physical The Cthulhu Hack: Convicts & Cthulhu book. At this point in time, no more copies exist. They had a limited run and now, aside from a personal copy, they’re all gone.

As to the PDF version, this will remain available through DriveThru and RPGNow as a Pay What You Want download. I have slated this book for a complete revisit/rewrite in the future. This will essentially take it right down to the base framework and work it back up from there, taking especial note of the changes that have appeared with the release of v1.5 of the Core Rules last year.

This will also mean that I will no longer connect the product to the excellent Convicts & Cthulhu from Cthulhu Reborn. I will rename the book and release as a complete alternate setting, both as a PDF and a physical book. I appreciate the permission to use the Convicts & Cthulhu setting material as a backdrop for my own book. However, it has meant that I couldn’t charge for the PDF and only ever charged at cost – or Pay What You Want – for the book version.

The PDF sales, to date, amount to 865 downloads and, to be open about the figures, after OneBookShelf deductions that has generated sales of $90.96, or just over 10 cents per PDF. I hope you can see why it makes more sense to me to re-write and relaunch as a full version of comparable sale value as the other books in the range.

On the same subject, if you would be interested in writing an adventure set in early 19th century Australia, I’m open to short pitches!

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